Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Brainhack Global Rennes 2018: https://brainhack.irisa.fr, May 25-26, Rennes, France (Julie Coloigner, Olivier Commowick, Claire Cury, Mathis Fleury, Armelle Mozziconacci, Édith Blin).

  • MS workshop: https://project.inria.fr/msworkshop2018/, Jan 30-31, London, UK (Christian Barillot).

  • ARSEP workshop on multiple sclerosis, Feb 2, ICM (Elise Bannier, Anne Kerbrat).

  • Official launching ceremony of Neurinfo new MR scanner, Nov 27, CCP, Rennes (Elise Bannier, Isabelle Corouge in collaboration with Inria and University of Rennes 1).

  • Jean-Luc Anton, Elise Bannier, Marie Chupin, Gabriela Hossu, Irène Tropres created in 2016 an academic network for multicenter mutual aid in MRI called REMI. The network gathers over 150 members from nearly 80 different research and clinical sites. Pluri-annual meetings are organised and a website (https://remi.network/) allows members to share expertise, observations and questions. Different themes are discussed : Quality Assurance, Devices, Sequences, Good clinical practices, Data preprocessing, Data management and a preclinical theme was added this year. This initiative is supported by France Life Imaging. An issue of the french magazine for MR tech dedidated to research was published in September 2018 and also describes the REMI among other initiatives : http://new.afppe.com/le-n278-de-septembre-est-en-ligne-sur-la-mediatheque. REMI meetings, March 27 and Oct 9, ICM, Paris (Elise Bannier).

Program Participant
  • Organizer of the project “A deep learning playground”, Brainhack Global Rennes 2018: https://brainhack.irisa.fr, May 25-26, Rennes, France (Francesca Galassi).

  • Session moderator “3T versus 7T”, SFNR, March 21, Paris, France (Elise Bannier).

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis: ISBI (Julie Coloigner, Olivier Commowick, Pierre Maurel, Emmanuel Caruyer)

  • International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis: SIPAIM (Julie Coloigner)

  • MICCAI (Olivier Commowick, Francesca Galassi)

  • Annual congress of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping (Camille Maumet)

  • African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI) (Pierre Maurel)


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Christian Barillot is Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in ICT: Computer Image Analysis.

  • Christian Barillot is member of Editorial Boards of Medical Image Analysis, Current Medical Imaging Reviews, ISRN Signal Processing

  • Camille Maumet is member of Editorial Boards of Neuroinformatics

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Journal of Alzheimer's disease (Claire Cury)

  • NeuroImage (Olivier Commowick, Pierre Maurel, Camille Maumet, Christian Barillot)

  • NeuroImage: Clinical (Julie Coloigner, Christian Barillot)

  • IEEE TMI (Olivier Commowick)

  • IEEE Biomedical Engineering (Christian Barillot)

  • Med Image Anal (Olivier Commowick, Emmanuel Caruyer, Christian Barillot)

  • Magn Reson Med (Emmanuel Caruyer)

  • Med Phys (Emmanuel Caruyer)

  • Nature Scientific Data (Christian Barillot)

Invited Talks

  • Barillot, C., "Defining and evaluating imaging markers for multiple sclerosis". Workshop on Machine Learning in Radiology (MLRad 2018). CHUV - Siemens, Lausanne.

  • Barillot, C., "Nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles techniques d'imagerie pour analyser le système nerveux", École Recherche Translationnelle en Neurosciences. ITMO NNP - AVIESAN, Bordeaux.

  • Barillot, C., "Medical image analysis and integration". Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence in Health Grand Challenge”. AI Singapore, Singapore.

  • C. Barillot and O.Commowick. “Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure” - Journées françaises de radiologie (JFR 2018) - Paris (Oct 2018) [19]

  • Christian Barillot, Michel Dojat, Michael Kain. “France Life Imaging and the transversal node for Information Analysis and Management (IAM)”. Journées françaises de radiologie (JFR 2018) - Paris (Oct 2018) [18]

  • Michael Kain. “Solutions de gestion des données d’imagerie : exemples avec Shanoir, Archimed et Cati-DB”. Journées françaises de radiologie (JFR 2018) - Paris (Oct 2018) [20]

  • O. Commowick. “OFSEP and FLI infrastructure for the organisation of the international challenge on MS lesions segmentation”. MS workshop, London (January 2018)

  • O. Commowick. “Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure”. France Life Imaging workshop - Orsay (March 2018)

  • O. Commowick “Towards Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Segmentation Transfer to the Clinics: Methods and Evaluation”. Gdr ISIS - Paris (March 2018)

  • In the context of the EMISEP project on MS and spinal cord imaging and in order to discuss further collaboration, Anne Kerbrat, Benoit Combès and Elise Bannier visited the CEMEREM in Marseille on Monday and gave a talk “ Characterisation of spinal cord involvement in early RRMS patients using MRI” (October 22st)

  • C. Maumet “Tools and standards to make neuroimaging derived data reusable”, Keynote at Neuroinformatics 2018, Montreal, Canada, August 2018 [21].

  • Yao Chi and Christian Barillot “Infrastructures pour le traitement et la gestion de données d'imagerie biologique et médicale”, 6ème Forum de l'Institut de Psychiatrie, Amiens, September 2018.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Chair-elect of the international OHBM Open Science Special Interest Group (Camille Maumet)

  • Member of the international working group on data sharing in neuroimaging of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (Camille Maumet)

  • Member (by invitation) of Aperture, an international new online publishing plateform for the OHBM community, in the “workflow working group” led by Peter Bandettini (Camille Maumet).

  • Member (by selection) of the “comité de la science ouverte”, a national initiative to foster open science in France, in the “open and free software working group” led by Roberto Di Cosmo (Camille Maumet).

  • Mentor (by selection) of the international training “Mozilla Open leaders” led by Abigail Cabunoc Mayes (Camille Maumet).

  • Member (by selection) of the “Bio Imaging and Signal Processing” (BISP) Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (Emmanuel Caruyer).

  • Gilles Edan was elected Fellow of the European Academy of Neurologie. Member of the EAN teaching committee in 2015

  • Christian Barillot is member of the Scientific Council of the INS2I (http://csins2i.irisa.fr) Institute of CNRS since 2011 and is Chairman of the Board since 2015

  • Christian Barillot is member of the C3N committee (CNRS)

  • Christian Barillot is member of the scientific board of “GIS France Grilles”

  • Christian Barillot is member of the scientific board of the Neuroscience and psychiatry institute of AVIESAN

Scientific Expertise

  • Expertise as a reviewer for “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (ANR) (Emmanuel Caruyer)

  • Expertise as a reviewer for the Comité Français d'Évaluation de la Coopération Scientifique et Universitaire avec le Brésil (Christian Barillot)

  • Expertise as a reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation (Christian Barillot)

  • Expertise as a reviewer for the Research Council KU Leuven (Christian Barillot)

  • Expertise as a reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (Christian Barillot)

  • Expertise as a reviewer for the "European Research Council" for the starting grant call (Christian Barillot)